John VE3IPS has a history of name dropping in his conversations, we have heard;
i.e. I know this person "Angelo" RadioWorld we created together a radio store in every conversation.
John Leonardelli VE3IPS (shared youtube video)
All on the TORONTO CANADA REPEATER - VE3TWR 444.400 +5 PL-103.5
WARNING of LANGUAGE within this shared video
All the libelous claims are FALSE or misrepresented, most just blatant lies by (mr. self-aggrandizement or playing the victim). I have been warned by others.
I have NEVER SPOKEN or NEVER CONTACTED this person !!! He initiates libelous contact with unknown and delusional claims (attached), I make public his abuse and threatening contacts, he is claiming to be a victim. I have asked him to STOP Contacting Me. His initiated libelous false claims of my personal details. (attached) We are NOT friends, we have NEVER been friends as his delusional claims (scanner recording). I have police reported and will continue to do so.
Author : Sam62
posted by someone on youtube username
Well said fantastically put !!
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Thanks TFMCS Toronto FM Communications Society for your ABUSIVE repeaters
Author : Sam62
we need to stop this abuse.
We do understand a group of bitter Amateur Radio Operator in Toronto Canada are " obsessed " to slander person(s) with bitter accusation and by using edited recordings played over repeaters.
- someone does not have a job, poorly edited audio and months of wasted time to collect audio, see youtube username :(
Author : Sam62
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Toronto Canada Amateur Radio VE3TWR Repeater Abuse
Toronto Canada Amateur Radio Abuse #hamr #hamradio #amateurfunk #amateurradio #abuse
Author : Sam62
ReplyDeleteWe received the phone call, everyone here is over joyed !
REMOVED FROM - YARC - 2016-2017 Board of Directors
ReplyDeleteREMOVED from --York Region Amateur Radio Club - Vice-President - John Leonardelli VE3IPS
So cause all the trouble JAMMING on FM analog and DMR as he is a HATER and everyone moves to DSTAR.
ReplyDeleteIt is almost brilliant, no trash on DSTAR why? because a dog does not shit in its own yard.
no trash on DSTAR because he is only jamming on the frequencies he has hate on or he dislikes, DMR anything that is on his HATE list he will obstruct.
Fooled by him ? Fooled by his car salesman chatter ?
ReplyDeleteThe disruptions on all / ever Southern Ontario Repeaters and many other ABUSIVE actions, the belief is we know the person well, many of us are fooled by the car salesman chatter
ReplyDeletevery vendictive charlatan
ReplyDeleteVE3IPS is likely the one responsible for random insulting transmissions in a funny voice, and playing back various nonsense. That happening and then him popping up minutes later has happened a bunch of times. VE3IPS QTH King City (Maple)
ReplyDeleteSaid here ::
Paul Edward Briscoe VE3KU VE3GPB
ve3ips is a shyster and a coward, selling ham tickets he must have made many $200 per ticket.