Email lies by Michael Walker VA3MW AND HIS SCUMBAG attempt to discredit.

It is a disgrace what this hobby has become !!!
This is a group that is orchestrating 6 months, years of abuses
A Systemic problem exist in TFMCS Amateur Radio Club with its members and users !!
To be clear I am not mixing words, I stand with my conviction as follows :
My almost 30 years as a HAM RADIO operator, these discrediting slanderous accusations by a CBer and recent 6 months HAM that it is my claim I saw VE3DJZ pay VE3IPS $200 for his license and now the attempts to spread propaganda by Michael Walker VA3MW a scumbag. SEARCH ABOUT THE PERSON QRZ these predators are trying to discredit with slanderous accusation.
its affirmation to me when others see the truth
Michael Kenneth Walker VA3MW slanderous accusations
More Slanderous Accusations
and WALTER VA3WJO spreading hatred
More Slanderous Accusations
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EMAIL META DATA - email header IP address available
update - this coward is making excuses, his email was hacked .... how pathetic
- no excuses or lies accepted !!
From: Michael Walker <>
Date: 2017-09-02 12:35To:
Subject: Fwd: From Net tonight on TWR
I was asked to share this.
NAME apparently ripped off Hugh VE3DJZ. They had a `discussion' yesterday noon on the tower, and of course when Hugh VE3DJZ accused him, NAME went off on him. At that point, it was a race to jam NAME 's every transmission by several people. Nice to see people take a side like that, but it's obvious that no-one wants to incur NAME 's wrath by speaking up to support Hugh VE3DJZ. NAME of course can't connect the dots.
So last night Hugh VE3DJZ did the obvious thing and advised the net about what went on around him getting ripped off. Good on him.
If anyone has contact info for Hugh VE3DJZ (email, phone), please pass it on. I want him to know he's not alone in his trouble with NAME, and he's not the bad guy. I'll also do this on the air.
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EMAIL META DATA - email header IP address available
update - this coward is making excuses, his email was hacked .... how pathetic
- no excuses or lies accepted !!
ABOUT US this website and blog
Accredited Examiner John Leonardelli VE3IPS was PAID $200 for a HAM LICENSE(S) - CASH ONLY from HUEY VE3DJZ
About : Huey VE3DJZ aka Tony aka Shaggy on the CESSPOOL repeater VE3TWR 444.4
It is a disgrace what this hobby has become !!!
This is a group that is orchestrating 6 months, years of abuses
this is the worst I heard in ham radio
ReplyDeletewhat scum, we support you
ReplyDeleteWhen many smarten up and awaken who is stoking the flames VE3KU and VE3IPS with the other "tools" in this dark CULT. The weak minded need group acceptance, it has always been
ReplyDeleteWow, the highlight after a week or more, On tfm to hear [17] cliche in one 10 minute conversation that are so often heard from this same person that is the troll on tfm. for those that do not understnad:
ReplyDelete"never hurt to try"
"there is always one"
"The time of my life"
"Time will tell"
"In the nick of time"
"Lost track of time"
"In a jiffy"
"A waste of time"
"live and learn"
turned the RADIO OFF at this point, changed to digi :)
so happy for fusion
PLEASE DO NOT LOSE SIGHT OF THE MANY EXAMPLES WITHIN, the many post on this blog and website, all of these individuals and "floaters" are a part off the same sewage !!! a part of the same cult or club tfm - TFMCS in toronto .
ReplyDeletethe one that is sling all the TFMCS cesspool of feces Paul Edward Briscoe (55%) VE3KU VE3GPB and his many little "tools" gophers to spread hatred, yes VE3IPS is orchestrating (40%) of all this Amateur Radio Club attacks and abuse. Is this joyous, what they need coming from other bands. shameful for those loser !