VE3IPS Accredited Examiner | VE3DJZ now has Advanced, Basic with Honours HAM TICKET

Pay this Accredited Examiner John Leonardelli VE3IPS $200.00 for a HAM ticket and get "ADVANCE HAM" like HUEY VE3DJZ recent weeks now has Advance and Basic license.

Advanced VE3DJZ ::  Ask him 10 basic questions from just the "basic exam"?

What a disgrace - Listen to VE3TWR repeater ::
VE3IPS / VE3DJZ / VA3HBO / rod / other included on this feeding frenzy.

REAL SICK !!   Wow, A lot of hatred,  what a crock of lies.

Paid $$$ and own for 9 domains of my 10 year FEDERAL CANADIAN CALL-SIGN .... paid for T-shirts see picture -SICK, but he can not spell !!
VE3DJZ wearing another mans name (sp) on his tshirt


Link Video here : Huey VE3DJZ aka Tony aka Shaggy on the CESSPOOL repeater VE3TWR 444.4 

The clan now use of my 10 year federal call-sign domain VE3DJZpicHeuy

( hate website VE3WZW.cXm )

VE3DJZ Huey Salmon  -  Hamiltons Women Beater

Amateur radio operator certificates
Advanced, Basic with Honours$callsign.QueryViewByKey?P_CALLSIGN=VE3DJZ&Z_CHK=54711

Call Sign:VE3DJZ 
Amateur Name:Huey Salmon 
Postal Code:L8L2S5
Qualifications:Advanced, Basic with Honours$callsign.QueryViewByKey?P_CALLSIGN=VE3DJZ&Z_CHK=54711

VE3DJZ WHO PAID :: Accredited Examiner John Leonardelli VE3IPS  PAID $200.00

*** Now Removed from YORK REGIONAL ARC (Board of Directors)

VE3DJZ wore this T-Shirt to a HAM FEST for the entire day and no one forced me, the call-sign in the domain is not my call-sign, but love the tshirt domain because I am a "fan boy".

VE3DJZ but I have someone else call-sign domain
VE3DJZ but I have someone else’s call-sign domain, and "and" I purchased the tshirt 

VE3DJZ, I wore this T-Shirt to a HAM FEST (November 2017) for the entire day and no one forced me to wear it, because I am proud.

VE3DJZ I wearing another mans name (sp) on my tshirt, is this HAM RADIO
*** someone tell him he can not spell *** ask him if he can tie his shoes? (okay cheap dig "petty", but needed to)
VE3DJZ I wore another man's name (sp) on my tshirt for the entire day.

VE3DJZ, I wore this T-Shirt to a HAM FEST for the entire day and no one forced me, because I am proud.  See my smile.

This is NOT being made up, we were told of this!!  no photoshop here, NONE.
ask Mr.Flintstone to purchase a tshirt, or his friend Barney Rubble.  (okay cheap dig "petty", but needed to)
"sick, we dont get it? someone?, is this ham radio?"
VE3DJZ Huey Salmon  -  Hamiltons Women Beater 2013


  1. Anonymous16:45

    You have a good CA$$$H Business for your radio's

  2. Anonymous16:57

    The conversation as spoken, I did not take 200 dollars to sit 10 minutes as I signed up for as a vole tee and driving 10 km and if more money was in the envelope I would give it back to you.  Like noooo !

    So u took $200 for a HAM to write an exam !
    I gotta listen to this again.

  3. Anonymous17:01

    morals and values

